Posted: April 30, 2020
On Tuesday May 5th and Wednesday May 6th students, parents and/or guardians of NSER are invited to pick their child's belongings. All who access the school will ensure they are following screening protocols that are posted at the front door of the school.
Parents and students are not required to wear a mask if physical distance is maintained; however, it is strongly recommended that people wear a mask in public settings. Hand sanitizer will be available at entrance and exit points and must be used by anyone entering or leaving the school. Parents and students will collect belongings in a timely manner and not be actively involved in socializing. In all cases, physical distancing protocols (2m/6 ft from another person) must be observed.
The schedule for NSER is as follows:
Tuesday, May 5th - 10:00-12:30 - Last names beginning in A-H
Tuesday, May 5th - 12:30- 3:00 - Last names beginning in I-M
Wednesday, May 6th - 10:00 - 12:30 - Last names beginning in N-S
Wednesday, May 6th - 12:30 - 3:00 - Last names beginning in T - Z
Parents/Guardians with more than one child attending NSER with different last names may choose which timeframe works best for them.