Home Learning Week 5

Posted: May 5, 2020


Journal Entry #4: Got Problems? This can be completed as a reflection.


In the workplace, people are expected to solve problems on a daily basis. Describe a situation in which a problem occurred at your workplace.


  • What was the problem and (how) was it resolved?
  • Take a look at the problem again, and apply the problem-solving process in hindsight. If the process wasn't used, describe how it could have been. Be sure to describe each step:
    • Define the problem and its impact. What were the needs/wants in this situation?
    • Analyze the problem. What were the root causes? Who could shed more light on the problem?
    • Generate solutions. Be creative.
    • Evaluate solutions.
    • Choose the best action.
    • Evaluate the result. How do you know you've made the best decision?
  • After reflecting on the problem, do you think you could have come up with a better solution? Why or why not?