Home Learning Week 8

Posted: May 22, 2020

Due Date: 

Friday, May 22, 2020


Journal Entry #6: Knowing Me, Knowing You - Reflection


Think about an intense issue or experience you've had on the job – maybe a stressful moment working on a task, or a disagreement with a co-worker, or even a moment of pride and satisfaction.


  • Describe the situation, including how you felt and how you behaved.
  • How do aspects of your personality profile explain the way you felt about the situation?
  • How do aspects of your personality profile explain the way you acted in that situation?


Now think about a situation on the job that involved at least one other person who reacted differently from the way you did. Use what you know about personality traits to suggest an explanation for the differences between your reactions. How did you use your knowledge of personality to help you understand and deal with your co-worker's differences?