Grade 7 Home Learning - Week # 4

Posted: April 27, 2020

Home Learning 2020

Grade 7

Week #4


We are now heading into Week 4 for our “Home Learning Opportunities” and you should be starting to get into a routine for your learning.  At least trying to practice the skills we were putting into place!  Please continue to read about 30 minutes per day, spend 20-30 minutes on Math. There are a variety of writing topics posted, each with a different purpose or style. Try the ones you find the most interesting! Just a reminder, check out the STEAM challenge page and use the same ABC’s sheet to respond to your personal reading.


Remember, there is no formal assessment but feel free to email us with any questions or responses to the topics—or if you need any help.  Also, check our Team Mokey page under “Files”. We plan to post pictures and videos that are sent to us from our class! 


One tip this week is to share! We would love to hear some good news stories from you guys.  Did you get a new pet? Have you learned how to cook? Did you discover that you’re a great gardener? Let us know what’s happening!!


Miss you and can’t wait to hear from you!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Foran & Mrs. Silliker