Grad Info

Graduation Information

Posted: February 9, 2022


The myBlueprint Scholarships are now live and offer five (5) x $1,000 Scholarships to students in Grade 11 or 12.

The scholarship application will be open until May 28, 2022. Students can apply through their myBlueprint Account by clicking Tasks > Scholarships!

Posted: February 9, 2022

My Blueprint Scotia Scholarships

Please see web link for further information and to apply.  

The NBHOA (New Brunswick Hockey Officials Association) now awards three (3) academic scholarships, they are named after long time NBHOA officials & directors Paul O’Blenis, Sonny McLellan Memorial and Scott
McKay Memorial each for the value of $1000.00 each. To be eligible to receive one of
these scholarships you must be an NBHOA Official in good standing, a grade 12
student who is graduating and attending a recognized post-secondary institution in the
upcoming year.

Posted: January 12, 2022

The IWK Foundation invites applications for the Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship. This award consists of a non-renewable scholarship valued at minimum $2,000.

Eligible applicants are current or former IWK patients who have an academic average of 75 per cent or higher and who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies.


The deadline to apply is Friday, March 11, 2022.


The Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship Fund was created by a group of dedicated donors interested in paying tribute to the Shaw family for their long-term commitment to making the world a better place.


Specifically, Robbie and Jean love the IWK and they believe in the potential and passion of every young person to make a meaningful difference, in part, thanks to a strong educational foundation. IWK children and youth have a special place in Robbie and Jean's hearts because of their long term professional and volunteer experience with the IWK and the IWK Foundation.


The application is attached or can be downloaded at, and submitted:


Via email


Via mail

IWK Foundation

Attention: Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship
B220-5855 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, NS B3H 4S2


PDF icon shawscholarship2022_applicationform.pdf419.27 KB

Posted: January 12, 2022

Please see attachment for application and further information.  

Posted: January 12, 2022

Please see attachment for application and further information.  

Posted: January 12, 2022

The New Brunswick Federation of Labour (NBFL) wishes to draw to your attention the availability of several student awards. Valued at $500 each, the awards are:
. The NBFL Solidarity Bursaries (2)
. Tim McCarthy Environment Prize (1)
. James A. Whitebone Memorial Scholarships (2)

Information concerning who is eligible and the deadline for applications is included in the attached application forms.

To assist in determining who is eligible to apply, a list of unions with locals affiliated to the NBFL is also attached.

Posted: January 10, 2022

ArtsNB Scholarship

For anyone pursuing a career in the Arts.  See web link for further details and application.  

Posted: January 10, 2022

JD Irving Scholarship

Please see web link for application and further details.  

Posted: January 10, 2022

A Schulich Leader Nominee represents the top entrepreneurial-minded STEM student in your graduating class and in turn becomes eligible to win a $100,000 or $80,000 scholarship.

This dynamic student demonstrates:

  1. Academic excellence, AND
  2. Leadership, charisma and creativity.

Strong consideration will be given to students with financial need.


NSER is able to nominate one candidate for this scholarship.  Please read criteria closely and if you meet the criteria and would like to be nominated, please write a one page essay on why you feel you should be chosen as NSER's nominee.  Please submit to Mrs. Pitre by Jan. 21st.  Please see below website for criteria and futher information on the Schulich Leader Scholarship.
