Posted: February 28, 2017
Outdoor Pursuits 110 is in full swing. The entire class of 19 graduating students did an excellent job building quinzees between Feb 20 and 24. Mother Nature played a nasty trick on us and unfortunately they did not survive the recent warm temperatures and rain. That did not stop us though as we were out cooking at our sites on Tuesday the 28th. Groups brought in various types of stoves to cook on and meals consisted of everything from good old fashioned hotdogs and kraft dinner to a full breakfast with eggs, bacon and fried bologna. One group also fried thinly sliced moose meat and seasoned it with a blend of spices while another group rounded out their meal with a warm cup of hot chocolate for dessert. The last few days before March break will have the students looking at the Leave No Trace principals as well as creating a short presentation on an outdoor education topic of their choice. Hoping to get in a bit more snowshoeing and cross country skiing after the break if the conditions improve. If not we are moving on to fly fishing, fly tying, and knots. For more photos please visit our image gallary.