From the Principal’s Desk …

Posted: September 9, 2016

Welcome back to another great year here at NSER. I would personally like to welcome Mrs. Jennifer Mitchell (grade 7-10 tech and Environmental Science 120). As well Mrs. Kim Doyle will be our administrative assistant. Paula Matchett will be filling the job until end of September at which time Kim will be joining our team. We have many changes this year from bell schedules, sports teams, etc, but one of our biggest changes is PowerSchool. We sent home a form to have you fill out detailing address, phone numbers, etc. It is extremely important that we get these back so we can update our newest system. If we had an emergency and needed to get in touch with you we need this system to be able to make the necessary calls. As always I appreciate your support whether it is volunteering, coaching, or simply taking the time to talk to me when needs arise.

Let's make this a great year! Go Cobras!!!

If you didn't get your copy of the September Newsletter ... you can read it under School Documents