New Brunswick Public Colleges Entrance Scholarship

Posted: April 2, 2020

The New Brunswick Public Colleges Entrance Scholarship is available for this academic year 2020-2021 for students who would like to attend the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB), the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD) and the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC).


You can now apply by completing the fillable Scholarship Application Form.  After entering your information, you need to do a “Save As”  unto your computer (suggestion: add your name and date to the filename, for example 2020-04-23-NBPCES-BEPACPNB-ARSENEAULT,BERTHE.pdf). Please submit your application by email to your high school Guidance Counsellor at by May 27 for review. Thereafter, it will be forwarded on to NBCC by June 6 for the final decision.