October 19, 2012

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Posted: October 19, 2012

NOTE: The Orionids Meteor shower will peak on Saturday, October 20th at midnight local time.  Sky conditions will be perfect, providing there is little cloud cover.  The moon will be setting at approx midnight so the sky should be quite dark.  Try to find a place in the southeastern portion of the night sky and look in the direction of the constellation Orion.  The link below will provide you with more detail and viewing tips. http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/the-2012-peak-of-the-orionid-me... Science 9The World of ProtozoaBiology 11Complete Section 19.1-Understanding Bacteria (See Previous Day)Begin, "Understanding VirusesChemistry 11Periodic Trends (see below)Chapter 6 Review Questionsp. 181, #36-46, 64,67Complete and Submit Monday 
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