Grade 112 Week 5 May 4-May 8/2020

Posted: May 4, 2020

Grade 112  Period 1 and 2                                                      Week 5 May 4-May 8/2020

English 112


Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)  -  Using material of your choice, read silently for approximately 20 minutes per day (Feel free to reading longer if you so desire).  You can read a novel, essay, magazine, news article, etc.  These can be either in print or e-copy.  After completing the reading you can fill in a reflection on the sheet attached to this post or on loose-leaf. 


Let’s take a different approach this week and look at a specific form of writing.  I would like you to write a letter to yourself!  Look up a letter that is in two point punctuation form and create a letter which recaps your life for the past seven weeks or so (since March 16!)  You an send to your future address (so where you want to be in say 20 years) and highlight things happening in your world and also the entire world.  This will be a great keepsake to remember this extraordinary world event.

History 112

View the following video over the course of this week.  We are currently beginning the World War One Unit

Also, answer the following questions and keep answers either on paper or saved in a folder.  Use the internet to research and then formulate an answer.

II.      What were the underlying causes of the war?

A.    Nationalism

1.    What is nationalism?

a.    British Jingoism

b.    French revanchism

B.    Imperialism (colonialism)

1.    What is imperialism?

2.    What was the “Scramble for Africa”?

C.    Militarism

1.    What is militarism?

2.    What was the significance of H.M.S. Dreadnought?

3.    How did militarism increase the risk of war?

D.    Alliances

1.    What was the Triple Entente?

2.    What was the Triple Alliance?