Posted: May 20, 2014
Grade 11 Wellness Through Phys. Ed
“Health & Wellness”
Mr. Silliker 2014
What: With a partner or solo you will pick any aspect of overall “Health and Wellness” for your project. This can include Physical Activity, Nutrition, Stress Management, Eating disorders, Drug Use and Abuse, Relationships, ect….
Time: 10 minutes
How: 1) You will research your chosen topic
2) Provide statistics and information and present your findings to the class
3) Using some type of Visual Aid during your presentation is expected and a big part of your overall mark.
** You can use power point, Prezi, Smart Notebook during your presentation but this is not considered your “visual aid”.
Due: JUNE 2, 2014. You should have your visual aid and presentation ready for this date.
Mark Breakdown: Organization 20
Group Dynamics 10
Research/information 20
Creativity 20
Visual Aid 30
Total 100
HAVE FUN and be CREATIVE!!!!!!!