Posted: August 8, 2011

NEW TIMETABLE REVISED AUGUST 15, 2011   GRADE 11 & 12 STUDENTS ONLY!     Course Selections 2011-12   ALL Grade 11 and 12 students are asked to go to the SCHOOL DOCUMENTS page and review the Grade 11-12 course selection sheet.  Eventhough all students registered for courses at the end of the year, we are doing course selections again for a second time as we are offering a few different courses and the times they are taught.  ALL Grade 11 and 12 students are asked to print the course selection sheet provided in the "school documents page", complete it, and bring it to the school either, Monday, August 15 from 9:00am-12:00pm and Tuesday, August 16 from 9:00am-12:00pm.  If you can not print the page, you can come to the school on one of the above mentioned dates and complete your course selections at that time.  If you are unable to come to the school on those dates, you my email your course selections to either Mr. Dean Mutch dean.mutch@nbed.nb.ca, or Mr. Kirk Matheson kirk.matheson@nbed.nb.ca.   OPENING DAYS 2011-2012 Tuesday, September 6 - First Day for GRADE 7 ONLY (Orientation) Wednesday, September 7  - First Day for all students 7-12 **Classes begin at 8:25   Grade 9's Please note that there is no "supply list" as per say.  Teachers will inform you of what you need on the first day of school.  However, binders/duotangs, paper, pens/pencils would be necessary.   STUDENT FEES 2011-2012 Student Council Fee - $20.00 Locker Fee - $10.00 If paying by cheque, please make out to NSER Student Council. Fees can be paid to homeroom teachers.  Students will recieve their agenda and student ID card once Student Council fee is paid.