Great Big Crunch

Posted: February 25, 2010

On Thursday, March 11, about 60 Middle School students participated in The Big Crunch Challenge.  The students were offered a Granny Smith apple to enjoy during their morning break.  The Big Crunch Challenge kicks off nutrition month and encourages healthy snacking.       Interesting apple facts: Canadians eat, on average, 86 apples per year Apples are a memeber of the rose family It takes the energy of 50 leaves to produce ONE apple It takes 4 apples to make a glass of PURE apple juice There are at least 23 varieties of apples grown in Canada And the old saying still applies, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Fruits and vegetables are recommended at every meal and snack to get the recommended daily servings.  For Nutrition Month, apples, bananas, kiwi, celery, carrots, yogurt and blueberries will be available for students to enjoy at break, lunch and end of the day!