Posted: December 17, 2009
It's that time of year again at NSER and the halls are filled with excitement. With Christmas break fast approaching, the students are busy with competitions and fundraising activities all week long. "Down Candy Cane Lane", our Christmas Formal, happend on December 4th and was enjoyed by all students in attendance. The Activities Committee put many long hours in to getting everything ready and everyone danced the night away. A huge Thank You goes out to all those who assisted with this dance. On Wednesday of our last week, the annual door decorating competition was held and the Pink house came away as the winners. Yellow and Gray houses finished second and third respectively. On Thursday, staff from the Miramichi Early Childhood Intervention Program will be at NSER to collect presents for the families adopted by the staff and students at NSER. The "Christmas Family" program has been a huge success over the past number of years and our school takes great pride in being a part of this effort. Friday is Pajama Day and there will be a Pancake Breakfast in the morning to support Safe Grad. Cost is $3.