May 9, 2012

- Private group -

Posted: May 9, 2012

NOTE TO ALL STUDENTS:Many of you have questions about what Sciences to take in your Gr 11 year.  My suggestion would be to browse the files I have posted on this webpage from First Term for my Physics11 and Biology11 courses.  They will give you a rough idea of what those subjects will be like.  As you know, my recommendation is that you wait until your Grade 12 year to take Physics 11 and 12, simply because the additional background you get from Grade 11 Math is valuable to have to ensure your potential success.Science 9Modelling the Solar System-Section 13.11Inner Terrestrial Planets and Outer Gas Giants DEN Video ClipsScience 10Mathematical Calculation of Acceleration (below)p. 388, #3-9Biology 122Physiology Seminar PrepPhysics 122p. 638, #1-5p. 640, #6-10 
PDF icon mathematical_calculation_of_acceleration.pdf163.12 KB