Posted: May 25, 2017
Due Date:
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Sci 10: pg 388, 389 #8 and 9 and pg 410 #7-10
Bio: 40-2 Sheet **Quiz on this section on Mon, the 29th
Chem: 23.2 Section Review Sheet, pg 736 #7-12 (#11 - a & b only and #12 - both names)
Posted: May 25, 2017
Sci 10: pg 388, 389 #8 and 9 and pg 410 #7-10
Bio: 40-2 Sheet **Quiz on this section on Mon, the 29th
Chem: 23.2 Section Review Sheet, pg 736 #7-12 (#11 - a & b only and #12 - both names)