Mr. Silliker Notes

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Posted: March 14, 2012

Posted: March 12, 2012

Students are still working well on presentations.      Started presentation unit today to replace the old oratory unit.  Students must have presentations ready to go on Monday the 19th.  Please make sure students are working on these every night.  I am really looking forward to some awesome presentations on a wide range of topics!!!

Posted: March 12, 2012

To promote interest in badminton (we are having a varsity and JV team this year), we are dong badminton for the next couple weeks...students will be working on basic skills and finishing with some in class tournaments. 

Posted: March 12, 2012

Class is working today and tomorrow on Leadership presentations...due Wed. Will be outside hopefully Friday and part of next week doing snowshoeing and x-country skiing

Posted: February 28, 2012

English 112 has just finished Americans are Coming and there is a test tomorrow.  Will begin a unit on Presentation skills (to replace old oratory unit) Thursday. Outdoor pursuits are busy working on building Quinzees...they have done some adventure ed stuff in gym as well as fitness testing since the beginning of the term.  After March break we will be focusing on snowshoeing and X-Country skiing if conditions permit. Phys Ed 9 and 10 have completed fitness testing and adventure ed activities.  We have been in the classroom since Thursday of last week because the stage has been up in the gym...back to the gym tomorrow.  Will be starting Basketball unit on Monday after break.

Posted: October 11, 2011

Due Oct 27
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Posted: October 10, 2011

English 112 an 122 Short Story Test on Wednesday Oct 12. 
Parents/gaurdians please go over test with son or daughter and sign/ return them.

Posted: September 16, 2011

Please have indicated chapters read for set days
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Posted: August 10, 2011

With the change to this year's schedule, students may now have opportunity to take OP110.  It is open to only grade 12 students and if you wish to be considered to enter the course please circle it on the new course selection sheet.  This course is considered a selective elective and there is a limited number of students permitted in the course.  Mr. Silliker, along with the guidance dept and school administration, will determine the successful candidates.  Students may need to complete written or verbal questions early in the school year to complete this process.  If you have any questions, feel free to email Mr. Silliker.
Students will be required to do some level of physical activity in PE class here at NSER everyday.  Although sitting out was never a major problem here at NSER, we have decided that if a student is able to attend school, then he/she is able to partake in some form of activity. (walking for the entire class).  Even this minimal amount of physical activity will benefit the student greatly.  So far this new guideline has been widely accepted and students are realizing the importance of physical activity in their daily lives.
