Mr. Linkletter

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Investigate the World Health Organization by answering the following directives:

     Recent News?

Posted: May 4, 2020

Answer the following Questions:

  1. What does the expression "Earth-centered universe" mean?
  2.  What evidence helped to change Earth-centered universe theory?
  3. How and why has our estimation of the size of the universe changed in the past few centuries?
  4. What is galaxy and what is our galaxy called?
  5. Describe how "new" technology in Galileo's time helped to change an established idea.
  6. In reference to Galileo's time, what societal effects were related to the change? 

Posted: April 27, 2020


Investigate the major events that caused the Covid 19 virus to go from a viral out break to a world wide pandemic. Include what was known about this corona virus before November 2019 and what qualifies a viral outbreak as pandemic.

Please include what actions New Brunswick and Canada have taken in the world timeline.

Posted: April 27, 2020

Students will create a Powerpoint file on the "Planet Survey"

There are 9 planets in our Solar System.  Please prepare a Powerpoint using one slide per planet, including the following info on each slide:

  1. Distance from the sun (please use the same units for all planets)
  2. Time the planet takes to rotate around the sun
  3. one picture of the planet
  4. description of the planet in words
  5. one interesting fact about the planet

Place the planets in order from closes to farthest from the sun.


Email the finished product to

Posted: April 27, 2020

The following home learning activity will remain.

After completion of the general overview of the Environmental Issues in New Brunswick you will now chose a topic to do extended research.  Pick a topic from the 7 environmental issues which is of interest to you or a topic that you would like more information. After chosing the topic please email me with your choice and I will forward the outline for your individual study. 



Topics to pick from are:

  1. Agricultural
  2. Forestry
  3. Fresh water
  4. Ocean Fisheries
  5. Energy Resources
  6. Climate Change
  7. Air and Water Pollution


Posted: April 20, 2020

Answer the following question:

How is the self isolation and social distancing practices happening around the world and here in New Brunswick affecting our mental health?


Environmental Science 120


Environmental Issue Assignment


This assignment will highlight the following topics in New Brunswick as it relates to the social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects and their affects on our world.  The project can be in any form but should give a general overview of the topics.


The topics covered will be:


1.       Agriculture


2.       Forestry


3.       Fresh water


4.       Ocean fisheries


5.       Energy resources


6.       Climate change


7.       Pollution (air and water)


Due Date: 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Posted: April 15, 2020


After completion of the "Five Biggest Problems in the World" Powerpoint project I would like you to answer the following question.

Using the five biggest problems that you scoped out in the project answer the following:

What is happening with these issues during the COVID 19 pandemic?  Determine whether the situation got better or worse or if it continues unchanged. You can present your findings in any format and send it via email to


Posted: April 15, 2020

Science 9 students are encouraged to login to their Office 365 Teams if possible.  I have set-up a class with all the students in it and will be communicating information about the home learning portion of the Science 9 course there.


Whenever you have login you can send me a message in the chats or postings

Posted: April 7, 2020

Enjoy the At-home experiment!

You can email me with any questions

File grade_9_seed_experiment.docx14.73 KB
