Posted: November 13, 2018
Sci 10: pg 376 #7-10 **QUIZ (rearranging equations and converting units) - Thur 15th
Bio: **Ch 19 Test - Thur, 15th
Chem: pg 220 #7 & 8 - add as 8c: NF3 and 8d: SBr2
Posted: November 13, 2018
Sci 10: pg 376 #7-10 **QUIZ (rearranging equations and converting units) - Thur 15th
Bio: **Ch 19 Test - Thur, 15th
Chem: pg 220 #7 & 8 - add as 8c: NF3 and 8d: SBr2
Posted: November 8, 2018
Sci 10: BLM 9.5 b and d
Bio: 19-3 Sheet and pg 490 #1, 2, 3, 5 / read 2 articles **Ch 19 Test - Thur, 15th
Chem: 8.1 Sheet and pg 216 #1-6
Posted: November 7, 2018
Sci 10: pg 359 #11a
Bio: 19-3 Sheet and pg 490 #1, 2, 3, 5 **Ch 19 Test - Thur, 15th
Posted: November 6, 2018
Sci 10: pg 358 #3-8
Chem: *Ch 6/7 Test - tomorrow (Wed)
Bio: 19-2 Sheet and pg 483 #2, 3, 5
Posted: November 5, 2018
Sci 10: speed example question
Chem: pg 181 #44-46, pg 182 #48-52, 57, 58, and pg 185 #1-6, 10-13 **Ch 6/7 Test - Wed, 7th
Bio: *19-1 Quiz - tomorrow (Tue)
Posted: November 2, 2018
Sci 10: Scientific Notation Worksheet and 4 Solving Equations questions (from Thursday)
Chem: Ch 7 Practice Problems Sheet (omit 7.2 #4 and omit 7.3 #2) and pg 207 #31-51 (odd #'s) **Ch 6/7 Test - Wed, 7th
Bio: pg 472 Checkpoint, pg 474 Fig 19-4, pg 477 Fig 19-7 and #3 and 4
Posted: November 1, 2018
Sci 10: Scientific Notation Worksheet and 4 Solving Equations questions
Chem: 7.3 Sheet (omit #21, 22) and pg 203 #23-29
Bio: 19-1 Sheet
Posted: October 30, 2018
Bio: Ch 18 Test - tomorrow (Wednesday)
Posted: October 29, 2018
Sci 10: pg 349 # 7 and 9
Chem: 7.1 Sheet, pg 193 #1-11, 7.2 Sheet, pg 196 #12, 13, pg 199 #14-21
Bio: Classification Worksheet **Ch 18 Test - Wed, 31st
Posted: October 26, 2018
Chem: 7.1 Sheet and pg 193 #1-11
Bio: 18-3 Sheet and pg 461 #3-6 **Ch 18 Test - Wed, 31st