Grade 7 Home Learning - Week #2

Posted: April 14, 2020

Home Learning 2020

Grade 7

Week #2


In the documents below, you will find suggested “Home Learning Opportunities” that we put together for you this week.  If it’s possible for you, read about 30 minutes per day, spend 20-30 minutes on Math, move and explore – outside, in the kitchen or with Art and, maybe, Music! 


Remember, there is no formal assessment but feel free to email us with any questions or responses to the topics.


Also, check our Team Mokey page under “Files”. We will post pictures and videos that are sent to us from our class!  Some great bird feeders were submitted last week and the STEAM challenge page for this week has more great ideas, once again.  But send in anything – building, baking or creating!


Miss you and can’t wait to hear from you!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Foran & Mrs. Silliker