Grade 7 Home Learning - Week #3

Posted: April 20, 2020

We are now heading into Week 3 for suggested “Home Learning Opportunities” and you might be starting to get into a routine for your learning.  If it’s possible, please continue to read about 30 minutes per day, spend 20-30 minutes on Math, move and maybe bake or create.  Check out the STEAM challenge page and use the same ABC’s sheet as last week if you want to respond to your reading.


Remember, there is no formal assessment but feel free to email us with any questions or responses to the topics.  Also, check our Team Mokey page under “Files”. We plan to post pictures and videos that are sent to us from our class! 


Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22!! If you’re not sure what this means, watch this YouTube video that quickly explains how Earth Day began 50 years ago.

Why not take a few minutes to go outside and find something green? Flower beds and tree buds are just starting to grow. Even take some pictures of what you find – good or bad -- but, remember, the bees need the dandelions so don’t pick them all!  Some students did a wonderful job starting plants in water last week.  You can “replant” some kitchen scraps, also by using water! Do a bit of searching online and try it out.  We are beginning plants for the school community garden and will post updates on seeds, if they sprout!


Miss you and can’t wait to hear from you!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Foran & Mrs. Silliker