Posted: May 4, 2020
Week #5 – Grade 7 Home Learning
Five weeks already!? We hope that you are all well and that you are staying within your “bubble”!! We have prepared some more “Home Learning Opportunities” for you to use while we are still apart. See the documents attached below for some Math, STEAM and Literacy suggestions. You should continue to spend 30 minutes a day reading, 20-30 minutes on Math and with the weather getting nicer, go outside to explore and enjoy the fresh Spring air!
Remember, there is no formal assessment but feel free to email us with ANY questions or responses. Also, check our “Team Mokey” page for new pictures and some neat riddles that some of us have been sharing. Keep sharing!
Art – follow the link for neat step by step instructions on creating your own Optical Design! You can make it as small or as big as you like. Take a picture and send it to us to share! We would love to see what you come up.
Love to hear from you!
Mrs. Foran & Mrs. Silliker