Home Learning 2020
Grade 7
Hi everyone!! We hope this message finds you healthy and missing school, at least a little bit! This is a first for everyone and it’s a brand-new, extreme routine. These past few weeks have felt pretty surreal and uncertain at times but remember we got this and we will get through it, together!
Even though we’re far from the actual school environment, we have put together an action plan for you and your learning for the next little while. You can still go at your own pace, do what you can do, move along and seek help when needed.
In the next few documents, you will find information to guide your learning. Set aside a bit of time each day to practice, read and write. Braingenie is available, as always. Just log in! Make sure you check our teacher pages every week for more ideas.
As you pursue learning at home, you may want to find your own fun sites and activities! Just google and play around with the different sites you find. If you discover a good one, share it! This is all totally new learning for all of us!!
One other thing to keep in mind is that we would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact us through emails with questions or just to check in. The chat feature on Team Mokey is available to post messages or just connect to the class! Log into your student account and choose “teams”.
Parents, please reach out at any time. We are here for your child’s learning and want to try and make this transition as “easy” as possible!
Have fun and be sure to drop us a line about anything!!
Mrs Foran and Mrs Silliker
Contact: elaine.foran@nbed.nb.ca or harriet.silliker@nbed.nb.ca