Ms Verner

Think like a proton...always positive :)

Posted: January 12, 2016

Sci 10:  pg 389 # 10 - 14 and pg 411 # 12, 13a&b   **Ch 10 Test will be Tue, the 19thBio 11:  Ch 22 Test tomorrow (Wed, the 13th)Phys 11:  "Work" presentations tomorrow and Thursday!

Posted: January 11, 2016

Sci 10:  pg 388, 389 #8 & 9 and pg 410 #7 - 10Bio 11:  22-3 ques:  pg 561 Checkpoint, pg 562 Fig 22-15 & 22-16, pg 563 #4 AND 22-4 sheetPhys 11:  tomorrow is the last class day to finish "Work" projects....presentations will be Wed

Posted: January 8, 2016

Sci 10:  pg 388 #1, 4 - 7Bio 11:  22-3 sheet   **Ch 22 Test - Wed, 13thPhys 11:  Work done is Zero Projects (due Tuesday / presentations are Wednesday) 

Posted: January 7, 2016

Bio 11:  22-2 sheet (all) & questions: pg 557 Fig 22-9 & Checkpoint and pg 559 Fig 22-12 and # 1 & 3Phys 11:  Work done is Zero Projects (due Tuesday / presentations are Wednesday) 

Posted: January 6, 2016

Sci 10:  **Ch 9 Test is tomorrow (Thursday)Bio 11:  Mass Vaccinations Assignment (which was due before Christmas)  - tomorrow is the deadlinePhys 11:  pg 235 #14 - 18

Posted: January 5, 2016

Sci 10:  Ch 9 Review Sheet - questions #1 - 5   **Ch 9 Test is this Thur, the 7thBio 11:  22-1 Sheet  **Deadline for the Mass Vaccinations Assignment (which were due before Christmas) is tomorrow, the 6thPhys 11:  pg 229 #11 & 12 and pg 232 Conc Prob #2

Posted: December 17, 2015

Sci 10:  Ch 9 Review Sheets - finish all questions & pg 376 #12a,b, 14c, and 15Bio 11:  Mass Vaccinations Project - was due at the end of class today (Thursday).  I will accept them tomorrow (Friday) 

Posted: December 16, 2015

Sci 10:  Ch 9 Review Sheets (to the end of #10 on the 2nd sheet)Bio 11:  Mass Vaccinations Project - due at the end of class tomorrow (Thursday)Phys 11:  pg 225 #4 - 10

Posted: December 14, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 365 # 4 & 6 and pg 376 #3, 4, 7, & 11Bio 11:  Read 2 hand-outs:  Smallpox and VaccinationsPhys 11:  pg 221 # 1 - 3

Posted: December 11, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 365 #2, 3a, b, c, 5 (all)
