Ms Verner

Think like a proton...always positive :)

Posted: December 10, 2015

Sci 10:  Average Speed Sheet Ex 2 (side 2)Bio 11:  Ch 19 Test tomorrow (Friday)Phys 11:  5.4 Quiz tomorrow (Friday)

Posted: December 9, 2015

Sci 10:  yesterday's work:  pg 358 #6, 7, 8, 11a AND today's work:  Average Speed Sheet Ex 1 (side 1)Bio 11:  pg 490 #1, 2, 3, 5   **Ch 19 Test this Fri, the 11thPhys 11:  5.4 Quiz on Fri, the 11th

Posted: December 8, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 358 #6, 7, 8, 11aBio 11:  complete 19.3 sheet    **Ch 19 Test this Fri, the 11thPhys 11:  pg 203 #33-35 and pg 208 #18, and 37-45

Posted: December 7, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 358 # 3 & 4Bio 11:  pg 474 Fig 19-4 (answer ques) & pg 483 #2, 3, 5Phys 11:  pg 200 #30 - 32

Posted: December 4, 2015

Bio 11:  19-2 sheet (all)

Posted: December 3, 2015

Science 10:  Chapter 6 (includes section 5.11) TEST tomorrow, Friday, the 4thBio 11:  19-1 sheet:  complete #1-23Phys 11:  Egg Drop will be tomorrow (Friday) during class.  Bring your container / car !

Posted: December 1, 2015

Sci 10:  Test Review Ques:  pg 252 #2 (omit 'b'), 7, 10 (omit 'b' and 'd')   and   pg 215 #11    **Ch 6 Test (which includes section 5.11) is Thur, the 3rdBio 11:  Ch 11 Test CorrectionsPhys 11:  pg 197  #29 a - d      **Bring materials for Egg Drop / Crumple Zones project to class on THURSDAY.  Drop will be Friday. 

Posted: November 30, 2015

Sci 10:  3 worksheets from LAST Thur and Fri (Reaction Prediction and 2 balancing equations).  Today's work:  pg 252 #5 and 6.   **Chapter 6 Test (which includes Section 5.11) will be Thur, the 3rd.Bio 11:  Complete Fruit Fly project (for those that didn't)Phys 11:  Make Ch 5 Test Corrections  /  Start thinking and preparing for Egg Drop/Crumple Zones project

Posted: November 25, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 241 # 1 - 3 

Posted: November 24, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 235 # 1 - 4     *We will have our Ch 6 test (which includes 5.11) mid-week next week...Wed, the 2nd??Bio 11:  Ch 11 Test - tomorrow (Wed, 25th)Phys 11:  Ch 5 Test -  tomorrow (Wed, 25th)
