Ms Verner

Think like a proton...always positive :)

Posted: November 19, 2015

Sci 10:  Worksheet #1 & 2 and pg 229 # 3 and 4Bio 11:  11-4 sheet     *Ch 11 Test - Wed, 25thPhys 11:  Ch 5 Review:  pg 191 #26 and pg 208 #23, 29a, 30, 31a     *Ch 5 Test - Tue, 24th

Posted: November 17, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 229 # 2Bio 11:  11-3 sheet #12 - 18Phys 11:  pg 191 all of #24 and rearrange the equation we started with for 'a'

Posted: November 16, 2015

Sci 10:  5.11 WorksheetBio 11:  11-3 Sheet # 1-11Phys 11:  pg 191 #24 (free body diagram only, for now)

Posted: November 13, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 204 # 2, 3, 5, 6 (6b is a common name)Bio 11:  pg 269 # 1 - 5

Posted: November 12, 2015

Bio 11:  Finish #1-6 on 11-2 sheetPhys 11:  We will complete our presentations tomorrow!

Posted: November 10, 2015

Sci 10:  Ch 5 Test Thursday :)Bio 11:  pg 266 # 1 - 6Phys 11:  Car Crashes / Newton's Law presentations will be Thursday and Friday

Posted: November 9, 2015

Sci 10:  5.9 sheet & Naming Chem Compounds Sheet   *Ch 5 Test Thursday!Bio 11:  Finish 11-1 sheetPhys 11:  We'll have one more day (Tue) in the computer lab to work on our Car Crashes/Newton's Law projects.  Presentations will begin Thur.

Posted: November 6, 2015

Sci 10:  5.8 sheet (names and formulas of ionic compounds)Phys 11:  We'll have one more day (Mon) in the computer lab to work on our Car Crashes/Newton's Law projects.  Presentations will begin Tue.

Posted: November 5, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 198 # 3&4      *Ch 5 Test will be Thur, the 12thBio 11:  Ch 18 Test tomorrow (Friday)Phys 11:  working on Car Crashes / Newton's Laws Project

Posted: November 4, 2015

Sci 10:  pg 195 #7-10Bio 11:  pg 461 #3-6 and finish 18-3 Sheet     **Ch 18 Test this Friday, the 6th 
