On Thursday morning, NSER's Juno Beach students were at the Via Rail terminal in Miramichi for a ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.
On Friday, May 17th 23 NSER students will participate in the NB High School Drag Racing Challenge at the Miramichi Dragway Park.Friday beginning at noon students will have the track all to themselves to test and tune their cars.On Saturday begi
On Tuesday, February 12, NB author Peter Clark visited the grade 7 class for a time of storytelling. Mr. Clark shared stories from all over NB and gifted each student with an autographed copy of one of his books. He also donated five books to the school library. Later in the day, students were given some time to read and talk about some of the stories.
On Friday, February 1 NSER Students will show their support to Bell Let’s Talk.Even thought the day is Celebrated across the Country on January 30th, NSER Students do not return to school until February 1,
Open to grade 12 students who will be attending a full-time post-seconday institution in the fall
The Student Employment Experience Development (SEED) program provides funding to create summer job opportunities for post-secondary students. The program provides selected students with a summer job of up to fourteen (14) weeks in duration with a New Brunswick employer between April 29 and September 6, 2019.