Mrs. Sutherland - Archived 09/18 Notes

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Posted: June 11, 2018

1. Go to and read the facts about the heart. What are four facts that you didn't know before?

2. Read the page at and answer the following questions:

a) What is aerobic exercise?

b) What activities are aerobic exercise?

3. Reat the page at and record your radial artery pulse (wrist) and carotid artery pulse (neck).

4. What are the 7 steps to heart health? You can find the answers at

5. Read the page at and answer the following questions:

a) What is an activity that is suggested for infants?

b) How many minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity should youth get every day?

c) What is an example of a bone-strengthening activity?

d) What is the recommendation for screen time?

Choose as many pictures as you would like to represent the following:

Career goal
Places you’d like to visit or live
Family (married, children, etc)
Material items (cars, equipment, sports/hobby material)
Religious beliefs
Humanitarian goals (volunteering in the community or in the world)
Inspirational words/sayings that connect with you
Future goals
Activities that you want to pursue
Anything else that is your vision for your life.  What you want your life to be.

You also need a written component that goes along with your vision board and describes the images. This is worth 1/3 of the total mark of the project.

War Rations

-Wash your hands frequently

-Be careful with sharp objects

-Be respectful

-**Put everything back where you found it**

-Clean everything when finished – dishes, counters, sinks, floors, stove, etc

1.    What are rations? Why were they necessary?

2.    What food was rationed?

3.    What other items were rationed?

4.    What equipment was available to use?

5.    What strategies did they use to ration? (How did they stretch their rations?)

6.    Recipe – Thursday – why is it a ration recipe?

Rules for the Culinary Tech Lab:

·     Wash your hands frequently

·     ****Put things back where you found them****

·     Wash everything that you use

·     Wash the counters, sinks, floors, stoves

·     Hair tied up

·     Be safe

War Rations

1.What were war rations?

a.Equipment available

b.                        What was rationed?

c. Why were rations necessary?

d.                        What types of food were rationed?

2.Who was responsible for food rations?

3.Final Product

a.Recipe – why was it a war recipe?

b.                        Cook on Friday

4.What other things were rationed?

5.What did they do to stretch their rationed items?

Posted: May 16, 2018

Anything outstanding needs to be handing in as soon as possible.

4.3 - expolore services or initiatives that support the transition from high school to work or further educating and training.

Research what is available to help students that are transitioning out of high school. You can start with these two websites (but feel free to do your own research):

Assessment - choose one of the following:

1. write a letter to a younger sibling or student describing the services/initiatives provided by the school and community that can support their transition from high school to post-secondary education and the world of work

2. create a pamphlet or poster that could be used for other high school students that describes the services/initiatives provided by the school/community that can support their transition from high school to post-secondary education/the world of work


4.4 explore volunteerism as a personal development and community enhancement strategy

Research what volunteer opportunities there are in the Miramichi area. Use to get started. Select 3-5 that interest you (if you know of any others in your community that are not listed on the site, feel free to list them as well), and outline how you would go about participating in that opportunity. For example, who do you contact, do you need a criminal record check done, do you need a driver's license?


4.5 - we will complete in class


4.6 - discuss the importance of life/work balance

Create a spreadsheet/table/checklist/tally to log what leisure activities you partake in over the course of a week. Once complete, look at your data and evaluate the impact each of the activities has on your:

  • mental and physical health and well-being
  • goal attainment
  • skills for work
  • future plans for life and work

Choose one of your leisure activities and create a print or media ad campaign to promote the benefits of engaging in the identified activity.

Posted: May 16, 2018

3.5 - understand the changing nature of life/work roles

Complete a Pros, Cons, and Questions activity to explore non-traditional careers. Answer the question "What are non-traditional careers?" on the back of the sheet. Use the following websites to help:

Posted: May 9, 2018

Outcome 4.2 - examine how risk taking and positive attitudes towards self and work are important to the life/work building process

To do:

#1 Research a famous individual who has experienced career success and see how risk taking and/or a positive outlook contributed to their achievements. Do a short write-up of this person that you can share with the class.

#2 With a partner, identify tranisitions that take place from high school graduation to retirement (education, working, job interruptions, etc). What coping strategies will help you successfully navigate these life stages? You could make a flow chart, a letter to yourself in the future, a timeline, etc.

Posted: April 19, 2018

1. Finish your ideal workplace assignment

2. Chatterhigh (check your email to see if there is a survey invitation)

3. Begin to work on your resume and cover letter (see attached documents)

4. Typing Lessons

Posted: April 18, 2018

Outcome 3.4 - students will explore the realities and requirements of various education, training, and work settings

Explore various workplace video tours on is external)

Go to is external) and complete 'Hunt for Hazards', 'Virtual Office', and 'Virtual Supermarket'. You can also do the 'Virtual Hotel' on your own.

Assessment - describe (either written or drawn as a picture) your ideal working conditions. What will your ideal workspace look like? What safty precautions have been taken? What comforts do you want included?

Posted: April 16, 2018

Complete and hand in your budget assignment.

When finished, look up a company that is located in Atlantic Canada, and answer the following questions:

1. What is the company's name?

2. What do they produce/what service do they offer?

3. Where are they located?

4. How many people do they employ?

5. a) If they produce goods, do they export to other countries? If so, what percentage of their products are sent to other places?

b) If they provide services, are the services available to to people of other countries? Why or why not?

Posted: April 12, 2018

To do in class today:

1. Chatterhigh Quiz

2. Finish career cruising skills assessment

3. Labour Market Information (see below)

4. Typing


Labour Market Information (LMI)

Search up what will be some in-demand occupations in the near future. Select 3 of these and provide a summary (chart, report, powerpoint, etc) of your career research. You can include topics such as:

  • education/training required for each occupation (length of training, nature of training, etc)
  • average salary
  • working conditions
  • reasons why the occuption is in or will be in high demand
  • anything else that you'd like to include

Please complete the following steps to complete your assignment:

Step 1: Download the attach Excel file to your computer

Step 2: Fill in your name at the top of the sheet

Step 3: Type in the month that you want to budget for

Step 4: Look up the type of job that you want to have, and figure out what the monthly salary would be (weekly x 4, or annual/12). Will you have other income (tips, commissions, side sales)? Enter that information in the spot for income and excel will add it up for you.

Step 5: Fill in the various expenses. For home costs, find a house for rent that you would like to move to. You can do internet searches for the other associated costs.

Step 6: The workbook is already set up to calculate your total amounts. What is your discretionary income at the end of the month? Do you have money or do you owe money? If you have money, what will you do with it? If you owe money, how can you adjust that for the next month?

Step 7: When your sheet is finished, print it out and hand it in.

File budget_assignment.xlsx10.2 KB

Posted: March 29, 2018

PDCP Media Images Project

Using the videos we watched in class as a model and inspiration, please work alone, with a partner or in a group of 3 and complete one of the following (or create your own variation):


Toxic Media Takedown GRRRLZ!

You can do this in two ways:

Advertisement Analysis Poster:

Choose an advertisement from a magazine that depicts a woman posed in a vulnerable, sexualized or ridiculous way. Photocopy or photograph the image and overlay text that calls the image into question, drawing attention to the way that women are represented and how it impacts girls and women.


Photoshoot Poster:

Using an advertisement that uses an image of a woman depicted as weak, hyper-sexualized, or unrealistic, recreate the pose in a real-life environment and photograph it. Develop a caption that offers a critique of the way women are represented in the mainstream media.


Mighty Warrior Version:

Create a poster that represents womankind as healthy, capable and strong. Create an image and overlay a slogan for the image so that the message is clear.


Compassionate and Caring Dudes:

Choose any of the above ideas and create a poster that calls into question how men are represented in media. Or make an image that suggests a healthy, balanced alternative. It’s cool for guys to be caring!


Gender Bender Revolution:

Perhaps you want to look at the duality of gender as our society has traditionally defined it and call it into question. Create an image and slogan that do just that. Who wants to be put in a box anyways? Not me!

Posted: March 20, 2018

Theme of the project is from outcome 2.2: 

„Examine the skills needed to initiate, discuss, and negotiate sexual health and well-being
Possible Topics:
„How to set sexual boundaries
„Differentiation between consent and coercion
„How to articulate and consistently use safer sex practices
„Avoid or leave a situation that is unsettling or unsafe (trusting your gut)
„Conflict resolution
„How to access sexual health services (STI screening, for example)
„How to seek counselling and/or professional support
„Positive decision making

Methods of Representation
„Comic strip

Posted: March 15, 2018

If you have not finished your assignment on Monday about wellness, please do so.

When you have finished, you can start the DECIDE assignment.

When you are faced with a decision, you can use the decide model. The attached powerpoint describes what each step is. Use that model to write out the steps that you would use when faced with a decision concerning a legal or illegal substance.

D - what is the issue at hand? Getting in a car with someone who has been drinking? Trying a new energy drink?

E - explore the options - what are all of the possible options (include both negative and positive options)

C - are there any other alternatives to the situation?

I - identify possible soltions that would work for you. If you're at a party at a camp, is calling a taxi a viable option?

D - decide and take action. Pick one of the possible choices

E - evaluate and revise - did it work? would you do something different next time?


You can write a story showing what you'd do, make a powerpoint, etc to show your decision-making process. Slide 4 has some possible scenarios that you can use.

File 1.9_-_decide.pptx81.35 KB
