
Posted: May 30, 2017

The first ever NSER Athletics Banquet was held here on May 25.  Our guest speaker, Luke Couture, is currently a RBC Olympian training in the sport of badminton.  He delivered a very positive, inspiring message to our students and encouraged them to live their dreams and work hard for whatever they wished to achieve. Following a delicious meal, the presentation of awards saw the recognition of our student athletes, teams and their coaches.

Posted: May 16, 2017

We are very pleased to announce that several of our after school drama students received awards at the Drama Festival in Fredericton.  Congratulations everyone - what a great job!  Go Cobras!

Posted: April 28, 2017

NSER will be holding its first ever Athletic Banquet on Wednesday night, May 24th at 6 pm. This night will be an opportunity for us to celebrate our school's athletes and coaches. The cost is $12 per ticket however student athletes do not have to pay for their ticket. We will have a Canadian Olympian here as our guest speaker and will be doing all our sports awards that evening as well including Athlete of the Year. Students will be selling the tickets at lunch for the next few weeks. Hope to see you there!

Posted: April 3, 2017

NSER is looking for host families for our International Students in September 2017.  This program is for 12 weeks.  If you are interested please contact the school.


Posted: March 31, 2017

Posted: March 17, 2017

Spring Report Cards and Parent Teacher Interviews will be as follows:
Friday, March 31st - Parent Teacher Interviews from 9:00 am - 11:30 am - These interviews will be available for parents to discuss how your child is doing at t this point.
Thursday, April 13 - Report Cards w

Posted: February 28, 2017

Outdoor Pursuits 110 is in full swing.  The entire class of 19 graduating students did an excellent job building quinzees between Feb 20 and 24.  Mother Nature played a nasty trick on us and unfortunately they did not survive the recent warm temperatures and rain.  That did not stop us though as we were out cooking at our sites on Tuesday the 28th.

Posted: February 18, 2017

Jim Laws of Miramichi Electronics shows Kierrah and Neba some tricks to soldering a capacitors to computer motherboards as part of Mr. Mutch's Tech Support 110 class.  For more photos please visit our image gallery.

Posted: February 9, 2017

Hey NSER, listen to this!!  Have you ever wanted to throw a pie at a teacher and not get in trouble?  Well here’s your chance! 

Posted: February 3, 2017

February is going to be a great month at NSER.  Keep up to date by following our event calendar and a reminder no school for students on February 24th.


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